SAVF Pet Memorial Prize 2016
At the recent oath taking ceremony of the 2015 Onderstepoort final year students, Dr A R Kadwa received the SAVF Pet Memorial Prize from the chairman of the Foundation, Dr Joubert Viljoen. The prize is awarded to the student with the best marks in Small Animal...
CiplaVet and the SAVF donate books to final year veterinary student clinic groups
In July 2015 CiplaVet Animal Health (later Ascendis Animal Health and now Kyron Vet Rx), in association with the SA Veterinary Foundation, handed over 30 copies of the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary to 25% of final year clinic students. Photo of Dr Craig Mincher,...
Student Bursaries 2015
The chairman of the SA Veterinary Foundation, Dr Joubert Viljoen, recently addressed the BVSc IV student class at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Faculty. Dr Joubert Viljoen (right), chairman of the SAVF, handing over the bursary to Siandra Botes. In the centre is the...
Vets United against Rhino poaching
The last decade has seen a 4500% increase in the number of rhino poached in South Africa. The current rate of poaching brings the tipping point for the species' survival closer every day. The Foundation is raising money to aid in researching rhino diseases and...
CiplaVet and the SAVF donate books to final year veterinary student clinic groups
In September 2014 CiplaVet Animal Health (later Ascendis Animal Health and now Kyron Vet Rx), in association with the SA Veterinary Foundation, handed over copies of the BSAVA Small Animal Formulary to each final year clinic group of 4 students. Left to right: Dr...
Student Bursaries 2014
The chairman of the SA Veterinary Foundation, Dr Joubert Viljoen, recently addressed the BVSc IV student class at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Faculty. Foundation sponsorship for students includes the bursaries, prize for the best student in Companion Animal Clinical...
SAVF supports CVC’s
The South African Veterinary Association Community Veterinary Clinics recently recognized the contribution the SAVF makes to the CVCs by awarding them a DeLuxe Partner Certificate for 2013. These funds helped with the establishment of new clinics during 2013. The...
SAB invests in technology to help save rhinos
The South African Breweries has made a landmark investment in technology to record and track wildlife species and enable police to track down poachers and syndicates who are preying on SA’s precious wildlife. The company, SA’s leading brewer, is to spend R1-million in...
Veterinary Foundation contributes to upgrading of computers at VetHouse
The South African Veterinary Foundation has contributed towards the upgrading of the computers at VetHouse, the official residence of the South African veterinary Association, including the purchase of a new laptop for the Managing Director, Prof. Banie Penzhorn. “The...
Student Bursaries 2013
The vice-chairman of the SA Veterinary Foundation, Dr Patrick Page, recently addressed the BVSc V student class at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Faculty prior to the students going into their final year of experiential training. Stuart Fyffe (centre) from Lakato...
Karretjiemense – An upliftment program of SAVF
During 2011/12 the SAVF got involved in training of poor jobless nomadic “coloureds” (Karretjie People) from the Greater Karoo/Northern Cape as grooms/horse handlers. The objective was “to give a person a fishing rod (job) and not a fish”. Student making a hay net...
SAVF Pet Memorial Prize
At the recent oath taking ceremony of the 2012 Onderstepoort final year students, Dr Ean van den Berg received the SAVF Pet Memorial Prize from the chairman of the Foundation, Dr Joubert Viljoen. The prize is awarded to the student with the best marks in Small...
Student Bursaries 2012
The Chairman of the SA Veterinary Foundation, Dr Joubert Viljoen, recently addressed two student classes that are eligible for SAVF bursaries at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Faculty. At the same time a bursary, co-sponsored by Lakato, was handed over to BVSc II...
Vets discuss treatment of traumatised rhinos and donate to SAVF Rhino Conservation Fund
A group of eighty veterinarians gathered at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Faculty on 26 November 2011 to discuss the “emerging epidemic” – rhino poaching. Veterinarians present were from all spheres of the profession ranging from academia, zoological gardens,...
Cancer sufferer makes donation to SAVF
Nikita and the Joey Gracie Mc Connell Animal Foundation recently made a donation to the SA Veterinary Foundation to aid in canine cancer research. Nikita and her Dalmatian Max both suffer from cancer (neurofibromatosis) and having to go through the suffering herself...
SAVF supports international students’ exchange
The SAVF provided financial support to a group of Onderstepoort and Spanish veterinary students who recently visited a Community Veterinary Clinic. The Onderstepoort students were hosting the Spanish students as part of an International Veterinary Students Association...
Veterinarian donates R50 000 to the Rhino Conservation Fund
The Veterinary Foundation has been proactively involved in rhinoceros conservation projects for the last two years. Two booklets have been published on rhinoceros management and capture and these are available for downloading from our website. Additionally the misuse...
Pupil makes donation to Veterinary Foundation
Connor Wilson of Clifton Prep, Nottingham Road, KwaZulu recently raised more than R1000 for the South African Veterinary Foundation in memory of his pet mouse, JoJo, and his brother's Labrador retriever, Malaika, who both died of cancer early in 2010. The project was...
SAVF launches a Rhino Conservation Fund
The SAVF launches a Rhino Conservation Fund to assist with anti-poaching operations, rewards for the successful arrests of poachers, establish databases, distribute information, support research on rhino diseases and contribute to the conservation of the rhino in general.
Do or Die for Croatian students
Fifteen veterinary students from Croatia visited South Africa recently as part of the International Veterinary Students Association exchange program. During their 2 week stay their program included exposure to community outreach activities. They could not have made a...